Benevolence continues to be the ever challenging command for the church. It requires a caring but firm approach to the physical struggles of family and friends alike. In Acts 6 we find a stalwart example of the church caring for the needs of members and family. Seven Godly men accepted the responsibility and work of seeing that physical needs were supported properly. Whether is widows, like Acts 6, or a family with several children who have fallen on hard times, the church responds out of love and compassion.
The Magnolia church of Christ is known in the community as a place of help. But that help has come in different ways. We do not give cash to anyone...ever. We believe in providing a "hand up" not a "hand out", so we take care not to become enablers of continual bad habits. Many people get in trouble because of a lifetime of bad choices that become a quality of life that is filled with constant turmoil. Like Jesus, we try not only to end the suffering, but alter the cause if possible. Many times the answer is the gospel.